Thursday, 20 June 2013

After Earth

Cypher Raige: Son this is not training. This is a class one quarantined planet, the threats we will be facing are real. Everything on this planet is evolved to kill humans. Every single decision we make will be life or death. But if we are going to survive this, you must realize that fear is not real, it is a product of thoughts you create. Now do not misunderstand me, danger is very real, but fear is a choice.

After Earth 讲述一对父子因太空船故障被迫紧急降落在这个早在1000年前被人类遗弃,移民到别的星球居住的地球,只因它早已不适宜人类居住。太空船上的生还者只剩下他们父子俩。为了找寻那随着船尾掉落在距离他们所在地100公里外的发射器,以便发射信号求助,这是他们唯一的求生机会,因父亲双脚受伤,儿子必须独自踏上未知的旅途。
片中父亲对儿子说的, "You must realize, the fear is not real. It is a product of thoughts you create. Do not misunderstand me, danger is very real, but fear is a choice" ,我咀嚼着这句话。

恐惧确实是人想像出来的,对还没发生,甚至可能不会发生的事情担心,担心了很久,到最后白担心一场。恐惧真是个选择吗? 恐惧通常都是不由自主的,它与当事人的性格和态度有关,有些人很淡定,乐观,看得开,恐惧离他们是最远的。也有些人很悲观,在事情还没发生以前就想了101种悲剧,过度紧张,把自己压得透不过气,要懂得放下,才能减少或消除心中的恐惧啊。